Touching up to sell, smartening up to live in, essential repairs? Your home can have a fresh, contemporary appearance with rendering, providing you with the important technical values of insulation and building specifications that go along with it. Using proven, industry leading products from renowned companies ensures that your home exterior is watertight, long lasting, and strong.
Rendering is a very versatile option that can be applied to most all surfaces. It can be applied over Hebel®, foam board or mouldings, blue board, brickwork, and block work. The type of rendering applications you wish to choose can vary depending on your budget and the finish you wish to achieve.

Cement rendering is the process of applying premixed layer of cement or sand to, exterior walls but can be used to feature an interior wall. Though it is not the longest lasting type of render option available, it is still an affordable way of upgrading the appearance of your property and raising its value. It also provides protection from all 4 of the elements. It is also the most cost-effective option.
Cement rendered walls can then be painted with whatever colour you desire or for added strength an Acrylic Texture Coating can be applied.
Also commonly known as Poly Modified Rendering, it is a more flexible and resilient type of material therefore making it more long lasting than traditional cement renders. Acrylic rendering provides you with a number of options with your finish including smooth or textured. In some cases, acrylic rendering is the only option when cement rendering will not stick to particular surfaces like timber, concrete or fibre cement.
Acrylic rendered walls can then be painted or an Acrylic Texture Coating can be applied if extra strength and durability is required.
As mentioned above, this is a coating applied over a base of either an Acrylic or Cement rendered surface. As opposed to just paint alone, an Acrylic Texture Coating offers a tougher, more flexible finish that is also water resistant. It is a coloured render that is 20 times thicker than paint which provides a rich depth of colour that is available in several different textures. On top of all those features it also contains mould and fungus inhibitors making it mould resistant.
For more information about additional specialised types of rendering, to find out what system is going to work best for you or to arrange for a quote get in touch with us today.